RVing with Kids: Tips to Keep Kids Social while Full-Time RVing


One of the questions you will be asked the most as you start full-time RVing wit kids, is how you keep the kids social. There is a globally-accepted notion that homeschooled kids lack social skills. So think about those homeschooled kids roaming the American roads, away from their home community... doesn't that make things even worse?

While most assume those kids lack the opportunity to be social, any full-time family will just wipe that idea away with a laugh! Below are ideas to keep your kids social while full-time RVing.

Guest Post and Photos by Laura Georgieff

Family-Friendly Campgrounds

Kids are magnets to one another. The second a camper rolls into a campground, children have a sixth sense and know whether it has kids in it or not!

You can increase your chances by staying at KOA's, Camp Jellystone Parks, and Thousand Trails campgrounds. Those are near guaranteed to have other children, who will become best friends with your kids before you're done setting up camp. You only run the risk of not seeing your kids much during the stay.

Some families will tell you that they take a break in homeschooling in the winter months, when they hop from Thousand Trails campground to Thousand Trails campground in Florida. There are too many little friends and they can't keep the kids focused on their school work long enough.

If you visit family-friendly campgrounds, I assure you your kids will be more social than if they were attending school. We literally can't keep ours sitting at dinner long enough to swallow a whole meal, and with every campground come tears as we leave their "best friends" behind.

Full-Time Families

Many full-time RVing families join Full-Time Families - an RV club for families traveling full-time with kids in their RV.

It is a paid membership costing $79 / year or $395 lifetime and families love to be part of a community they can connect with online and in real life. The membership comes with many discount benefits and you can participate in rallies throughout the year. The most sought after is the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Those are non-stop fun with more kids than you will be able to handle!

A lot of those families spend the winter months together, and meet up on the road. You could attend the free yearly RV Family Virtual Summit to get a better idea of what the group is about.

Online Schooling

There are many ways to homeschool today. Online schooling can be a way to keep your children involved in more traditional schooling, with little friends behind the screen, and an actual teacher.

Even if you do not online school, you can find online extra-curricular activities (i.e., STEM and art classes), that your kids can participate in to connect with other children their age and with similar interests.


There are a few places sure to have other kids for your children to play with. Science and children's museums are one of them. Zoos and aquariums are another.

Visiting museums can give your kids a sense of normalcy - other kids, other parents, living the way they do for a few hours.


Playgrounds are such an easy way to keep kids social while full-time RVing. Stop at local playgrounds as you travel and watch your kids connect with others. From your travels, your children will develop the ability to make friends with other kids in a heartbeat, and a quick playground visit can easily fill up their social cup.

Summer Camps

This one takes a little more planning. You can sign up your kids for really neat summer camps as you travel. Think about horse riding camps if you're in Kentucky, surfing camps in Florida or California, etc.

The YMCA also offers week-long summer camps and you can typically find a YMCA near where you are.

Summer camps are a great way to keep kids social while full-time RVing, and they can create opportunities to discover something different than at home!

Tips To Keep Kids Social While Full-Time RVing

You will quickly find your tribe while full-time RVing with kids and you can plan on your kids being very social. If you are an introvert parent, you may even welcome weeks with fewer little friends playing around!

Starting with staying at family-friendly campgrounds, and visiting family-friendly places and experiences, you will realize that your kids won't be missing a bit of social life. If anything, our children get so many more opportunities to play with friends than they ever did at home. We have loved watching their confidence flourish. They don't know a single stranger and mix in with kids of all walks of life. This lifestyle is so rich.